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You have to answer 78 Questions within 40 minutes

Users - Comprehensive Quiz

1 / 78

Category: Imperative sentence

1) Which sentence is correct?

2 / 78

Category: The Past Continuous / Progressive

2) Why _____ he having lunch at 4pm?

3 / 78

Category: Yes-No Question

3) ................ you done your homework?

4 / 78

Category: Noun + Prep

4) The cause ______ his problems is his family.

5 / 78

Category: Yes-No Question

5) ………………... fish? Yes, I do.

6 / 78

Category: The Past Perfect

6) I had never _____ her before.

7 / 78

Category: Compound Sentences

7) Fairy Tales are very old.

8 / 78

Category: Compound Sentences

8) The dragon is killed, and everybody lives happily ever after.

9 / 78

Category: Adjectives & Adverbs

9) He's really lazy and _____ tries.

10 / 78

Category: Active or Passive Quiz

10) His hair was cut by a professional.

11 / 78

Category: Parts Of Speech

11) What did she ask you to do?

12 / 78

Category: Prefixes & Suffixes

12) The word "accidental" is

13 / 78

Category: Tag Question

13) So you bought a car, ________

14 / 78

Category: Tag Question

14) They will wash the car, ________

15 / 78

Category: If / Unless

15) ___ he gets caught, he'll make a fortune.

16 / 78

Category: The Statement + Sentence & Phrase

16) Phrases are grammatical units that consist of

17 / 78

Category: The Past Simple

17) My brother _____ a bear an hour ago.

18 / 78

Category: The Present Perfect

18) Lindsay _____ not been to France.

19 / 78

Category: Prepositional verbs

19) Compare

20 / 78

Category: Noun Quantifiers (Many / Much / …)

20) There is _______ food in the fridge.

21 / 78

Category: The Past Simple

21) What _____ you eat for lunch yesterday?

22 / 78

Category: The Past Continuous / Progressive

22) Was he not _____ his homework?

23 / 78

Category: Relative Pronouns

23) They attended Peterson University in Four Square _____ the population is less than 50,000.

24 / 78

Category: Conjunctions

24) The main job of a conjunction is to _____ two parts of a sentence.

25 / 78

Category: Verb Forms

25) He walks to my car with me at night.

26 / 78

Category: The Statement + Sentence & Phrase

26) A noun phrase with more than one word can consist of a noun and words that

27 / 78

Category: Singular & Plural Nouns

27) Criteria

28 / 78

Category: Uncountable Nouns

28) Money

29 / 78

Category: Tenses

29) The train had already left.

30 / 78

Category: Noun + Prep

30) He gave her a check _____ a lot of money.

31 / 78

Category: Personal Pronouns

31) Which sentence contains the plural 3rd person object pronoun?

32 / 78

Category: Demonstrative Adjectives (this / that)

32) ___________ car is old.

33 / 78

Category: The Future Simple

33) I don't ________ go swimming today.

34 / 78

Category: The Future Simple

34) Will you _____ at the rehearsal on Saturday?

35 / 78

Category: Adjectives

35) Adjectives modify nouns, and they can also modify

36 / 78

Category: Modal Verbs

36) You ____________ help me!

37 / 78

Category: The Past Perfect

37) Nobody explained why the project had ________ on time.

38 / 78

Category: Definite & Indefinite Articles (a / an / the )

38) I've got _____ good news for you.

39 / 78

Category: Personal Pronouns

39) The only word ever used as a 2nd person personal pronoun is

40 / 78

Category: Verb Forms

40) Have you baked the cookies yet?

41 / 78

Category: Helping & Aux. Verbs

41) She ____ have finished the work by the time you get back.

42 / 78

Category: Irregular Verbs

42) He ____________ (buy) a new car last week.

43 / 78

Category: The Present Continuous / Progressive

43) I _____ my dinner right now.

44 / 78

Category: Negative Sentence

44) Complete the following: "I'm going to need help with this, _______ I?"

45 / 78

Category: Singular & Plural Nouns

45) People

46 / 78

Category: Uncountable Nouns

46) Music

47 / 78

Category: Demonstrative Adjectives (this / that)

47) ___________ jeans are new.

48 / 78

Category: Another / Other

48) They love one ____- they're such a happy family.

49 / 78

Category: The Present Perfect

49) _____ you been to Japan?

50 / 78

Category: Prefixes & Suffixes

50) We add a suffix to the _______ of a word.

51 / 78

Category: Negative Sentence

51) In the sentence "We are not ready yet" the words we are not can be contracted to

52 / 78

Category: Adjectives & Adverbs

52) I was _____ shocked.

53 / 78

Category: The Present Continuous / Progressive

53) My mother-in-law is _____ at our house this week.

54 / 78

Category: The Present Simple

54) Do you _____ chocolate milk?

55 / 78

Category: Prepositional verbs

55) Benefit

56 / 78

Category: Adj. + Prep

56) They were surprised _____ their good fortune.

57 / 78

Category: Active or Passive Quiz

57) The movie is being made in Hollywood.

58 / 78

Category: Conjunctions

58) Another word for an independent clause is a

59 / 78

Category: Helping & Aux. Verbs

59) We ______ sitting on the beach this time next week.

60 / 78

Category: Modal Verbs

60) _________ we leave now or do you want to wait?

61 / 78

Category: Imperative sentence

61) Which is the correct order? lie / them / don´t / to / !

62 / 78

Category: Direct & Indirect Speech

62) Leo said, "My friend may come tonight."

63 / 78

Category: Irregular Verbs

63) We ____________ (grow) corn in the garden last summer.

64 / 78

Category: Wh- / How questions

64) Why did they go there? means the same as "What did they go there _______?"

65 / 78

Category: Prepositions ( in / on / at …. )

65) Let's meet _______ the front door.

66 / 78

Category: Adjectives

66) This quiz is harder than the others. The adjective "harder" is

67 / 78

Category: Another / Other

67) You take the new ones and I'll take ____.

68 / 78

Category: Definite & Indefinite Articles (a / an / the )

68) I like to play with _____ baseball.

69 / 78

Category: Noun Quantifiers (Many / Much / …)

69) Is there __________ vegetable in the fridge?

70 / 78

Category: Wh- / How questions

70) I pointed at the phone I wanted to buy and said, "_______ is that one?"

71 / 78

Category: Direct & Indirect Speech

71) Jullie said to me, "I have to win this game."

72 / 78

Category: Parts Of Speech

72) I'm sure I've met your girlfriend before.

73 / 78

Category: If / Unless

73) ____ he gets caught, he'll go to jail.

74 / 78

Category: The Present Simple

74) He ____________ now.

75 / 78

Category: Relative Pronouns

75) You should speak to Peter ____ is responsible for company relations abroad.

76 / 78

Category: Prepositions ( in / on / at …. )

76) The kids are playing _______ the backyard.

77 / 78

Category: Adj. + Prep

77) She's furious _____ her son's grades in school.

78 / 78

Category: Tenses

78) Were you working at 9 o'clock?

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