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Do you want me to + (verb)

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To 'want' is to feel or have a desire for. When saying 'Do you want me to' you're asking someone if there is anything you can do for them or assist them with.

Here are some examples:

"Do you want me to pick up the kids?"
"Do you want me to fix your flat tire?"
"Do you want me to help you read that book?"
"Do you want me to remind you?"
"Do you want me to remove my shoes?"

The word 'want' can also be used to express something YOU would like someone else to do or that something you personally would enjoy.

Here are some examples:

"I want you to come over."
"I want you to make a decision."
"I want you to water the flowers."
"I want to understand what you are trying to say."
"I want to be better at swimming."
"I want to be more involved at church."
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