English Speaking Basics
     Regular English Lessons
     Business English Lessons
     Interview English Lessons
     Travel English Lessons
     English Listening Lessons
     Pronunciation Lessons
     English Grammar Basics
     Idioms and Phrases
     English Vocabulary
     Full Lesson Index

Regular English Lessons

Regular English lessons contain key sentences for many different scenarios that are used in everyday life. This daily English section will help you because all the sentences are everyday sentences that are regularly used.

You don't have to worry about studying English sentences that are not used in everyday use.

01 Greetings 26 Dating Initial Stages 51 Other Emotions
02 Bored 27 Dating Actual 52 Eating Together
03 Present Tense 28 Engagement 53 Grocery Shopping
04 Future Tense 29 Wedding 54 Pet Care
05 Past Tense 30 Honeymoon 55 Child Care
06 Weather 31 Married Life 56 Bank Money
07 Small Talk 32 Talking About Girls 57 Mail
08 Movies Friends 33 Sports General 58 House Care
09 Movie Types 34 Baseball 59 Phone
10 Movie Discussion 35 Basketball 60 Computers
11 Favorite 36 Football 61 Driving Car
12 Hobbies 37 Golf 62 Car
13 Exercise 38 Poker 63 Dental Care
14 Exercise Gym 39 Talk About Guys 64 Pediatric Care
15 University Life 40 Shopping 65 School Kids
16 University Classes 41 Jewelry 66 Birthday
17 Examinations 42 Happy 67 Vacations
18 Roommates 43 Angry 68 Family Friends
19 Fraternity Sorority 44 Excited 69 Pregnancy
20 College Partying 45 Worry 70 Neighbors
21 Smoking 46 Stress 71 Organizing Time
22 Drinking 47 Sad Depressed 72 Habits Health
23 Health 48 Love 73 Sleeping Dreams
24 Body Parts 49 Broken Heart 74 Hair Cut
25 Dieting 50 Scared Afraid 75 Books Magazines

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