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Computers are used everywhere from work, education and for entertainment. With a vast variety of styles, sizes and types of computers the options seem limitless. Make sure that you learn as much as you can before purchasing a computer to assure you are buying the best one to fit your needs.

Here are some questions commonly used when talking about computers.

"I am interested in buying a computer. Do you have any recommendations?"
"Should memory of the computer be an important factor when making my choice?"
"I am unfamiliar with computers. Can I get help setting it up?"
"Should I get a laptop or a PC?"
"What do you plan on using the computer for?"

If you are asked any of these questions, here are ways that you could respond.

"It depends on what you're going to need it for. I would do a little research to learn more about them."
"I would go to the store and tell them your needs and interests and they can help you with which computer would be best for you."

"If you're going to be saving a lot of information or media I would get a computer with a lot of memory."
"Memory is always important. I would get a computer with more now so you don't have to upgrade later."

"Most places that sell computers offer help with setting it up and other troubleshooting areas."
"They are pretty simple to set up. I would just use the directions it comes with."

"Laptops are more mobile so if you're on the go a lot I would recommend a laptop."
"I would go with a home PC for now. It will be accessible for your whole family to use."

"I am using the computer mostly for storing all my photos and music."
"I have a home business so I will be using it for a variety of things."


The internet is a place accessed through your computer which contains large quantities of information. People use the internet in their daily lives for research, work and pleasure. Almost anything you can think of can be accessed or found through the internet.

Here are some questions commonly used when talking about the internet.

"Should I get some sort of virus protection for my computer?"
"How do I get virus protection for my computer?"
"Can I download music over the internet?"
"Is it safe to shop over the internet?"
"Why is my internet is running slow?"

If you are asked any of these questions, here are ways that you could respond.

"I would definitely get some sort of virus protection. You do not want your computer to crash."
"Yeah I would. My computer got a virus one time and it cost me $100 to get it fixed."

"There are a few good ones out there. I will come over and help you download them."
"I know of a few online. They cost money but are worth it."

"You can. There are a few sites to use for downloading music."
"Downloading music is great! You can find just about anything but you do have to pay for them."

"Make sure you are shopping on a reputable site otherwise I would be careful."
"I don't feel comfortable using my credit card over the computer."

"You can check with your provider to see if there are any problems."
"Maybe you need a faster connection for what you are doing."


Email is a very useful tool to send and receive information as well as communicate with friends and family. It is basically a way to send letters and other information directly to a person through their computer.

Here are some questions commonly used when talking about email.

"How do I set up an email account?"
"How do I send people emails?"
"How will I know when I get one?"
"Can I send photos through email?"
"How do I know if they get my email?"
"Can I attach a file to an email?"
"Can I send an email to more than one person?"

If you are asked any of these questions, here are ways that you could respond.

"After you decide which email system to use just follow the instructions they provide."
"Check with your provider to see if they provide an email account."

"First you need to get their email address. Just type it in and then write them a message."
"I can come over and help you. It is easier for me to show you in person."

"You can set your email up to prompt you when you get an email."
"I just check my email often to find out."

"Yes you can send photos through email."
"Read your manual, I am sure it will tell you how to do it."

"You can set your email up so you get the notification when they receive an email you sent."
"I usually just talk to them or see if they send something back to me."

"Same as sending photos, I would check your manual to see how to do it."
"Yes you can attach files. Just look for the attach files button."

"Yes you can send an email to as many people as you want."
"Just cc them in the email and you can send it to more than one person."

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