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Dental Care

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Picking a Dentist

Going to the dentist is an important part of your health. With some of the anxieties that sometimes come with visiting the dentist, choosing the right one can be beneficial. Sometimes using recommendations from friends or family is a good way to find a dentist you will like.

Here are some questions commonly used when picking a dentist.

"I am nervous about going to the dentist, do you have any recommendations for one?"
"Should I go to a dentist that I saw an advertisement for?"
"Are there any dentist just for children?"
"How do I make an appointment if I have never been to this dentist before?"
"Do I need to have dental insurance?"

If you are asked any of these questions, here are ways that you could respond.

"My dentist is really nice. I think it would be a good experience for you."
"My dentist will let you come in and just talk at first. That way you can get comfortable with each other."

"Sure, you can try a dentist you are unfamiliar with."
"Go for it. If you do not like him you can always go somewhere else."

"There are dentists that specialize just in children. I would look on the internet."
"My dentist will see children or adults and is great with both."

"I would just call and tell them you are a new patient and you would like to schedule an appointment."
"You could always stop by and make an appointment."

"Most places require dental insurance."
"I don't think you need insurance but you will need to pay for things up front."

Dentist Check Ups

Checkups are appointments to your dentist where they examine your mouth for overall health and usually include some sort of cleaning. Check ups are an important part of keeping a healthy mouth as well as a way of catching any possible problems before they cause any pain or discomfort.

Here are some questions commonly used when asking about checkups.

"How often should I go in for checkups?"
"Do they clean your teeth at checkups?"
"Will they take x rays at my check up?"
"Can I ask questions if I have any concerns?"
"Do I really need checkups?"
"Will I have to get any fillings?"

If you are asked any of these questions, here are ways that you could respond.

"Normally you should go in for a checkup every six months."
"I would ask your dentist and see what they recommend for you."

"My dentist cleans my teeth at my check ups."
"Usually they do. It feels good when they are done."

"Sometimes they take x-rays to check your teeth."
"I think they only take x-rays if they have not seen you before."

"Yes, this is a time to ask questions if you have them."
"Ask all the questions you want. They will try and help you."

"Check ups help keep your mouth clean and healthy."
"Check ups are a good way to find any problems before they begin to hurt."

"If you have any cavities then you will have to get a filling."
"Fillings are not normally part of a check up."

Problems with your teeth

If you are having any pain or problems with your teeth you should go see a dentist, as soon as possible. If you wait, you may make things worse. Below are some things you can tell the dentist you are experiencing.

"I have a really bad tooth ache."
"My teeth are really sensitive when I eat or drink things that are hot or cold."
"My gums bleed when I brush my teeth."
"My tooth is loose."
"I think I might have cracked my tooth."
"It hurts when I bite down."

The answers to all of these depend on you and your dentist. Just make sure you call and make an appointment if any of these occur.

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