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Bank and Money

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Banking, money management and investments are all important areas when talking about what do with your money. There are a lot of decisions to be made from choosing a bank to investments. Being knowledgeable and being able to discuss different areas in English will help you to feel more comfortable when making decisions about what to do with the money you earn. Below we will look at different ways of handling the decision making process.

Where to Bank

Deciding where to bank/open an account, can be as easy as using a credit union associated with your work of employment to comparing different banks and what they offer as incentives for customers. You may also take recommendations from family, friends or co- workers.

Here are some questions commonly used when discussing which banks to consider.

"Is it important that they offer internet and telephone banking?"
"How important is location and accessibility?"
"Will you need a safe deposit box?"
"Is free checking important to you?"
"Are free withdrawals from an ATM important?"
"Is reputation of the bank important to you?"

If you are asked any of these questions, here are ways that you could respond.

"Yes, internet and telephone banking is important. I work late hours and have a hard time going during their normal business hours."
"Not really, I do not feel comfortable doing money transactions on the internet."

"Location is really important. I like to visit my bank on a regular basis."
"Location is not that important since I do most of my banking online."

"I will not need a safe deposit box."
"I have some valuables that I do not feel comfortable having at my home so yes, I will need a safe deposit box."

"Of course free checking is important. I do not want to be charged for writing checks."
"Free checking is not really important, I really do not write checks."

"Free withdrawals are very important. I use the ATM machines all the time."
"I prefer not to use the ATM card so it's not that important to me."

"The banks reputation is important to me. I want to feel comfortable with where my money is."
"I thought all banks were the same. It does not matter to me."

Managing Your Money

Managing your money is an important factor in building a savings and making sure that your money is accounted for and spent wisely.

"How often should I check my savings/checking balance?"
"When I withdrawal money should I write it down?"
"Should I come up with a budget?"
"Should I pay bills online or send payments in the mail?"
"Should I have a direct deposit from my work?"
"What if I notice anything unusual on my bank statements?"

These questions may be asked individually and may vary depending on your circumstances and needs.


Investing is to commit money or capital in order to gain a financial return. There are many ways to invest and spend your money. Since there are risks involved with investing, become knowledgeable yourself and possibly seeking out advice from a professional.

Here are some possible questions to ask when talking about investments.

"Can you tell me about bonds?"
"Can you give me more info on stocks and the stock market?"
"Can you give me information on mutual funds?"
"How long has this company been in business?"
"What am I investing in?"
"How risky is the investment?"
"When can I access my money?"
"Are there any fees?"

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