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Excited - General Sentences

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Being excited is another positive emotion. I'm sure everyone knows what it feels like to be excited, so let's get right into learning sentences.

The day before a big event, many people get excited. Here are some sentences you can use.

"I'm getting excited for golf tomorrow."
"I'm too excited to go to sleep now. Our trip tomorrow is going to be so fun."
"We're leaving for our camping trip tomorrow. I'm getting really excited."

"Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day."
"We're finally moving into our first house. It's a very exciting time for us."
"I have an interview tomorrow. Although I am scared, it's an exciting opportunity."

Regular sentences

"I'm excited to be here."
"Your sister must be really excited about starting law school."
"It's really exciting thinking about the benefits people will gain from our project."
"It's exciting starting a small business."
"I get excited thinking about how many people I will help."

"Don't get too excited. It's not guaranteed yet."
"I wouldn't get excited yet. You still have one more match to play."
"You didn't get the job yet, so don't get too excited about it."


"I'm pretty fired up about tomorrow. Aren't you excited too?"
"Are you feeling excited or scared about your interview tomorrow?"
"Do you get excited every time you get a phone number from a girl?"
"Is your brother excited about starting work?"
"Are you excited about your date tomorrow?"

Excited - Other Expressions

Sometimes, being too excited can be negative. Here are some examples.

"I don't know what's wrong with him. He's always excited for no reason."
"He's too hyper. I don't know why he's excited about every little thing."

Hyper is usually used when someone has too much energy.

"If you feel too excited, you won't be able to sleep. Then you won't perform that well tomorrow."
"Calm down. You're over reacting."

"My friend can never go to sleep the day before we go skiing. He always gets too excited."
"My dog gets excited whenever the doorbell rings."
"People with heart problems shouldn't get excited too often."
"You should feel excited about this opportunity."
"I don't understand why you're unhappy with your situation. I'd feel excited to have your opportunity."
"Going to a concert is very exciting. There are many people there with so much energy and it's very fun."
"It's exciting to see a great singer perform so powerfully."
"I'm excited about my trip to Europe. It's going to be so fun."

Being pumped up is another way you can say you are excited.

"I'm pretty pumped up about my trip to Australia. I'm really looking forward to it."
"I'm pumped up about working out. I joined a health club and set a good schedule to follow."

Being thrilled about something is another way to say you are excited.

"It's so thrilling skiing down the mountain real fast."
"I'm thrilled thinking about buying a new car."

When you are referring to an exciting person, the word most commonly used is enthusiastic.

"He's a very enthusiastic person."
"I wish I had as much enthusiasm as he does."
"It's always fun to be around an enthusiastic person."

Excited - Interactive Practice

Click on Listen All and follow along. After becoming comfortable with the entire conversation, become Person A by clicking on the Person A button. You will hear only Person B through the audio file. There will be a silence for you to repeat the sentences of Person A. Do the same for Person B. The speed of the conversation is native speed. Use the pause button if the pause between each sentence is too fast for you. After practicing several times, you will be able to speak as fast as a native.


Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B

A: "I can't wait to go skiing tomorrow."
B: "I know. It's going to be so much fun."
A: "I always get excited the day before."
B: "I used to be like that. But I go skiing so often that I don't get excited anymore."
A: "I only go skiing twice a year, so it's a real treat for me."
B: "That makes sense."
A: "What things make you excited?"
B: "Whenever I go to Vegas, I get really excited."
A: "Oh... that makes me excited too!"
B: "Looks like anything fun makes you excited."


Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B

A: "Hey Jack. Are you excited about starting work?"
B: "Yeah. I'm really looking forward to it."
A: "What was more exciting, starting college or starting work?"
B: "They're pretty similar, but in different ways. I really can't decide. How about you?"
A: "For me, I think starting school was more exciting."
B: "Does that mean work isn't that great?"
A: "It's different for everyone, but because I knew school was going to be so much fun, I really got excited about it."
B: "But work is a huge portion of our lives. I'm looking forward to making it fun."
A: "That's a great attitude to have. I don't think you'll have any problems in the workforce."
B: "I hope you're right."


Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B

A: "Hey Suzie. Guess what? I'm having a baby!"
B: "Really? That's so great. Congratulations."
A: "Thanks. I'm so excited. We've been trying for 8 months now."
B: "That's really exciting. How many months are you pregnant?"
A: "Three months."
B: "Are you going to find out if it is a boy or a girl?"
A: "I want to, but Bob doesn't. He wants to be surprised like the old fashioned way."
B: "Maybe it's more exciting not knowing."
A: "I'd rather know and buy all the baby things ahead of time."
B: "There are so many things you have to prepare for."
A: "I know I am going to be busy, but I know I can handle it. I have been looking forward to this day for a long long time."
B: "It really must be an exciting time for you guys."
A: "Thank you so much."

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