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Other Emotions – Emotional

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In this lesson, we will cover several emotions we didn't cover yet. The ones I want to talk about are, being emotional, feeling no emotions, restlessness, proud, and anxiety. If you have questions concerning any emotion we didn't cover, feel free to ask questions anytime.


If your emotions change easily, then you are an emotional person. An emotional person can also be described as one who is affected by things such as sad movies, criticism, or easily angered. In this lesson, we will go through some sentences talking about emotional people.

"I know a lot of artists and many of them are emotional. I think it helps them with their creativity."
"I saw a guy cry in a movie. He must be very emotional."

"Emotional girls are high maintenance. It's really a headache dealing with them."
"My last boyfriend was so emotional. His emotions would change drastically in the same day."

When someone is way too emotional and it affects how they act in a negative way, some people will call them a psycho.

"Your ex-girlfriend was a total psycho man."
"He's a psycho. I saw him stalking you for a week."

"My last girlfriend was a psycho. She would get upset at nothing and start crying the next minute."
"I had a jealous boyfriend. He followed me around everywhere. I thought he was emotional because he would cry when I would yell at him, but I now think he's a psycho."

Some people are only emotional when it is about something they are passionate about. If a person only gets emotional talking about one subject, then they are not an emotional person, rather, they are emotional about that topic.

"He's pretty emotional about that topic."
"I wouldn't say anything negative about blind people. She's very emotional about it."
"Anytime we talk about it, he gets very emotional."

"His voice started getting louder when we were talking about the war. I didn't know he was emotional about it."
"My father had a friend who was killed in the Korean war. He gets emotional thinking about it."

Other Emotions - Feeling Nothing

No emotions

Feeling no emotions is one of the worst emotions. Many times it is described as being dead on the inside. Without emotions, it is hard to tell if you are a person. Here are some sentences I heard people say.

"I don't feel anything. I don't know if I'm alive."
"I hurt myself because it makes me feel alive."
"I'd rather feel pain than feel nothing at all."
"Not feeling anything is so depressing."

"When my younger brother died, I didn't feel anything. It was worse than feeling sad."

"I've never seen that guy laugh or cry. He's so emotionless."
"I wonder if she feels anything. She's so cold."

Other Emotions - Restless


Being restless is an uncomfortable feeling. You feel like you want to do something, but there is nothing to do. It's hard to sit still and you have too much negative energy.

"Being restless is having too much negative energy."
"Being restless is terrible because it's being bored when your body wants to do something."

"I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm so restless."
"I can't fall asleep. I'm too restless."
"I'm either bored or restless. I can't tell."
"I gotta find something to do, or I'll die."
"It's hard for me to relax when I'm restless."

"He gets restless very frequently."
"Why are you moving around so much? Are you restless?"

Other Emotions - Proud


You can either be proud of yourself or someone you care about, such as your children. When you are proud, it is the result of accomplishing something. Here are some sentences you can use.

"I'm so proud of you."
"I'm very proud of you."
"You did a great job. I'm so proud of you."

"My mother always tells me that she's proud of me."
"I bet your parents are proud of you."

"You should feel proud of your accomplishment."
"That was awesome. You should feel proud of yourself."

"I'm very proud of you, son."
"I'm proud of my little brother. He did a great job."

Proud can be used in a negative way. Proud can be seen as cocky or overconfident.

"I don't know why he's so proud of himself."

Other Emotions - Anxious and Anxiety

Anxiety / Anxious

Anxiety is a pretty serious emotional problem. When you feel many different emotions or awkward emotions and can't control them, it is referred to as having an anxiety disorder. Many people suffer from this problem.

"I feel weird all the time. I'm anxious about everything."
"I feel anxious anytime I'm faced with uncertainty."

"I heard it's very uncomfortable feeling anxious about everything."

"I need to see a doctor about my anxiety problem."
"Mike went to see a doctor and she told him that he has an anxiety disorder."

"There are medication for anxiety disorders. You should ask your doctor about it."

There are times you can use the word anxious and not refer to a medical or serious condition.

"It's going to be fun. I'm anxious to get started."
"The project is going to be great. I'm anxious to start on it."

"Jill was anxious to start classes on Monday. She really likes school."
"Jack is anxious to play. Let's have him go first."

Other Emotions - Interactive Practice

Click on Listen All and follow along. After becoming comfortable with the entire conversation, become Person A by clicking on the Person A button. You will hear only Person B through the audio file. There will be a silence for you to repeat the sentences of Person A. Do the same for Person B. The speed of the conversation is native speed. Use the pause button if the pause between each sentence is too fast for you. After practicing several times, you will be able to speak as fast as a native.


Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B

A: "How are you feeling these days?"
B: "I don't know. A little bored and restless I guess."
A: "Why is that?"
B: "I have so much time on my hands and I have nothing to do."
A: "Why don't you go out and have fun?"
B: "I would like to, but I have to save some money so I can't go out all the time."
A: "That sucks."
B: "After awhile, I start to feel anxious."
A: "Try relaxing and reading a good book. That's always a good way to kill time."
B: "That's true. How about you? How are you these days?"
A: "I'm doing pretty good these days. My kid just finished kindergarten. I'm so proud of him."
B: "That's great to hear. He must be big now. It's been a year since I saw your son."
A: "Yeah. He grew a lot in the last year."
B: "I bet you're very proud of your son."
A: "Yes I am. Thanks."


Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B

A: "What happened to that girl you were seeing?"
B: "Oh Jackie? We broke up last week."
A: "That was a short relationship. You only started dating 2 months ago."
B: "It was actually a long two months. She was a psycho."
A: "What do you mean?"
B: "She would be laughing one moment, and if I said something insensitive, she would start crying. I didn't want to deal with that."
A: "She sounds very emotional."
B: "She was a psycho man. One time we were suppose to get together. I was waiting for her call, and when she finally called, she was screaming why I wasn't at her place."
A: "Were you suppose to be there?"
B: "I thought she was going to call when she was done shopping. It was a misunderstanding. She was literally screaming on the phone over this."
A: "Ok. You're right. She's a psycho."
B: "I'm just glad it's over."

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