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Family and Friends

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When you have discussions with family and close friends, you usually speak the language you are most comfortable with. Therefore, this lesson will not focus on the sentences you use to speak with your family, but it will focus more on the sentences you use when you are talking to someone about your family or your close friends.

Here are some questions you can ask when talking about family.

"How are your parents doing?"
"Are your parents healthy and well?"

"Do you still live with your parents?"
"Do you live near any family members?"
"Where do your in-laws live?"

"Do you see your family frequently?"
"Do you ever have family reunions?"

You can respond to these types of questions in multiple ways. Here are some examples.

"My parents are doing well."
"My father is getting old, but otherwise, healthy."
"My mother has been complaining about chest pains. I hope it isn't anything serious."

"Yeah. I live with my parents. It saves me some rent money."
"Just for another year until I get back on my feet."
"No. I moved out several years ago. I have my own apartment now."

"My in-laws are in Ohio."
"I grew up in Florida, so my in-laws are there. We moved to California 5 years ago."

"My family lives in the area so I usually see them once a month."
"My family lives pretty far away, so I only see them a couple times a year."

"We have a family reunion every 5 years."
"No, but I wish we could."
"We used to, but everyone is too busy these days, so we haven't had one in a while now."

Talking about Friends

Having lifelong friends is a great conversational topic. Many questions are related towards how long they have been friends.

Here are some questions you can ask when talking about friends.

"How long have you guys been friends?"
"How long have you known each other?"
"Did you grow up together?"

"Did you go to school together?"
"So how did you meet?"

Here are some example you can use to respond to these types of questions.

"We've been friends since elementary school."
"I think it's been like 20 years."
"We grew up together. Our parents lived pretty close so we were basically neighbors."

"We went to the same school since the 5th grade."
"We met in middle school and started going to the same school from the 7th grade."
"We started going to the same school at the University of Washington."

"We met at church when we were young. We have been close friends since."
"We met in high school in our English class."

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