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Pregnancy and Birth

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Expecting a baby can be both exciting and a nervous time. For first time parents you are deciding on a hospital for delivery, doctors for child care, deciding on birth classes, curious about what you are having, and preparation for home just to name a few. For second, third, or even forth time parent's things may be a bit easier and relaxed. We will be taking a look more at the experience or events of first time parents.


Having a doctor you feel comfortable with and like will help make the pregnancy process a bit easier. The mother as well as the baby will be going through changes and having someone to answer all your questions will be helpful. You will need to go in for exams, have ultrasounds and continue to check the overall health of mom and the baby.

Here are some questions you may be asked if you are pregnant. If you feel comfortable answering you can, but pregnancy is personal so it is ok to not answer questions especially asked by strangers.

"How far a long are you?"
"Are you having a boy or girl?"

"Do you have names picked out?"
"Is this your first child?"

"What hospital are you delivering at?"
"What are some things that you need?"

Here are some ways you can answer.

"6 months."
"I am in the 8th month."

"I am having a boy."
"I am having another boy." (If this is your second boy.)
"We are having a girl."

"We thought a lot about names, but we haven't decided on one yet."
"We don't know if it is a boy or girl, so we haven't decided on a name."
"If it is a boy, we picked Mark, and if it is a girl, we decided on Jennifer."

"This is our 5th child."
"No. We have 2 other children."

"We are going to Bellevue hospital."
"We will be delivering at Overlake hospital."

"Thank you for offering, but we don't need anything right now."
"I think we have everything we need, but I'll let you know if I need something. Thank you."

Pregnancy Checkups

You will go to checkups throughout your pregnancy. This will help assure you and your baby are staying healthy and things are going well. This is also a good time to ask your doctor questions.

Here are some questions you might ask at a checkup.

"I am having a bit of back pain, any recommendations?"
"How is my baby doing?"
"What should I be eating?"
"Is there anything I should not be eating?"
"Can I fly on the airplane?"
"Is it ok to exercise?"
"Can I still take my medication?"

Here are some questions your doctor might ask you during your checkup.

"How are things going?"
"Are you getting any sleep?"
"Are you in any pain?"
"How is your appetite?"
"Do you want to know the sex of your baby?"

Here are some ways you can answer. Providing as much information will allow the doctor to help you.

"I'm having a lot of morning sickness and I can't hold anything down."
"I feel tired all the time."
"I get a lot of heart burn. It is very uncomfortable and I can't eat well."
"I am hungry all the time. I am eating so much. Is it okay to eat so much?"


The time has come for the baby to be born.

Here are some questions that might be asked to the mother or doctor at the hospital.

"Did your water break?"
"How far along are your contractions?"
"Are you in any pain?"
"Do you need to call any family?"
"Do you need an epidural?"
"Can I get you anything?"

When it is time to have a baby, here are some sentences you might need.

"Doctor, I think my water broke. I will need to come in to the hospital immediately."
"My contractions are 5 minutes apart."
"I am having contractions every 10 minutes."
"I have severe cramps."

"Can I call my mother?"
"What are the side effects of having an epidural?"
"I would like to get an epidural."
"Does it hurt to get an epidural?"

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