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Talking About Girls - Types You Like or Dislike

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In this session, we are going to cover talking about girls. We will primarily cover commenting on a pretty girl and talking about girl traits. Don't worry ladies, we will have a session about guys later on.

Describing what types of girls you like

"I like a girl with a lot of curves."
"I like all girls with a great body."
"I like skinny girls."
"I like a girl with smooth skin."
"Since I'm pretty tall, I want a tall skinny girl."
"I like a girl who likes to have fun."
"I like girls who are smart. I can't stand airheads."
"I like all pretty girls."
"I like obedient girls."
"The most important trait for me is wisdom. I want a girl who is wise."
"It's important that the girl is smart and intelligent."
"A good and fun personality is the most important trait I look for in a girl."

"I want a girl who is going to take care of me."
"I want a working girl so I can stay at home all day."
"I want to meet a rich girl so I don't have to worry about money."

"I like athletic girls because I like to play sports."

Describing types you don't like

"I can't stand girls with attitude."
"I hate stuck up girls."
"The worst kind of girls are high maintenance girls."
"Stay away from nagging girls. You'll want to kill yourself after a month with them."
"It bothers me when a girl is not independent."
"I don't like weak girls who can't take care of themselves."
"You might think rich girls are a blessing, but they constantly nag at you to make more money."
"Rich girls are usually spoiled and soon you will be broke trying to keep up with her."
"I don't like fat girls. They don't turn me on."
"I don't like skinny girls who are like toothpicks. It's just gross."

Talking About Girls - In Love and Body Parts you like

Describing a girl you fell in love with

"She is perfect. Her voice is sweet and her skin is so soft."
"She has a killer body. I don't know if I love her, but I sure lust after her."
"I think I'm in love. She is absolutely beautiful and her personality is perfect."
"We talked on the phone for 6 hours. We connected so well."
"We have so much in common. I love talking to her."
"She's the sweetest thing. I think I'm in love."
"She's so fine. She doesn't have an ounce of fat on her."
"I met her on the golf course and after watching her hit, I fell in love."

I found that talking about famous girls is a fun topic among friends. For example, we would ask each other who's hotter between Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. Here some questions and answers just in case you get in one of these conversations.

"Who would you take between Jessica Simpson and Liv Tyler?"
"Who do you think is the sexiest women?"
"Who is in your top 5 list of sexy women?"
"Do you think Janet Jackson is hot?"
"If you were stuck on a deserted island, which famous person would you want to be with?"

Other descriptive sentences

Skinny girls

"She's a toothpick."
"Her legs are like chopsticks."
"She is all skin and bones."
"She is way too skinny."

Fat girls

"She's a little chubby."
"She's fat dude."
"That girl is big."
"She's a little overweight."
"She needs to go on a diet."

Talking About Girls - Interactive Practice

Click on Listen All and follow along. After becoming comfortable with the entire conversation, become Person A by clicking on the Person A button. You will hear only Person B through the audio file. There will be a silence for you to repeat the sentences of Person A. Do the same for Person B. The speed of the conversation is native speed. Use the pause button if the pause between each sentence is too fast for you. After practicing several times, you will be able to speak as fast as a native.


Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B

A: "Yo Matt. How goes it man?"
B: "Pretty good. What have you been up to?"
A: "You know that chick in psychology class?"
B: "Yeah. You only talk about her every other day."
A: "I can't get her out of my mind. She is damn fine."
B: "Why don't you go talk to her then?"
A: "I think she is out of my league."
B: "Chicken. Somebody is only out of your league if you think so. What do you see in her anyway? She is a little chubby dude."
A: "She is not. She has a nice figure. And she has such a pretty face."
B: "Whatever. If you think so."
A: "You like skinny girls or something?"
B: "I like normal girls without any flab hanging out."
A: "Now you're exaggerating you freak."
B: "Seriously, I like a girl who is fit and likes to exercise."
A: "How about personality?"
B: "It doesn't matter until you are thinking about marriage and I'm not thinking about that yet."
A: "Well, I'm looking so I don't care that much about figure. As long as she is nice and sweet."


Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B

A: "Who do you think is hotter? Britney or Christina?"
B: "That's a no brainer. Christina is way hotter. You think Britney is hotter than Christina?"
A: "She has some serious curves that turn me on. And I like the way she moves. I think she's sexy."
B: "Ok. How about between the three girls on Friends? Who do you think is the cutest?"
A: "I like Phoebe the most. She is so funny it cracks me up."
B: "Ok. I agree with you there. Let's change the scenario a little. If you were stuck on an island, who would you choose to be with?"
A: "I'd take Britney Spears. I have this thing about her."
B: "No way man. How about Catherine Zeta Jones? She is absolutely beautiful."

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