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Talking About Guys

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Talking about guys is a little different than talking about girls. When guys talk about girls, they mostly talk about their body and looks. Although girls talk about guys in this manner as well, we mostly talk about personality, job, status, and things unrelated to looks. So, in this lesson, we will cover both looks and character of guys and what girls say to each other.

General questions

"What do you look for in a guy?"
"What kind of person do you want to meet?"
"What type of person do you want to marry?"
"Who is your ideal type?"
"How important is looks to you?"
"Do you think physical appearance is important?"
"What is the first thing you look for in a guy?"

General answers for General questions

"I'm looking for a guy who will treat me well."
"I want a guy who is romantic."
"I want to meet a guy who is rich."
"I want a type of person that will respect me."
"I want someone responsible. He should be able to take care of the family both emotionally and financially."
"I want a down to earth type of guy."
"My ideal type is a guy who is smart and sensitive."
"Looks are not that important to me."
"The guy needs to be good looking to have a chance with me."
"The first thing I look for in a guy is looks."

Talking About Guys - Comments

Physical appearance

One of the biggest factors in physical appearance is height. Let's work on a couple of sentences.

"I want a tall guy."
"I have always been attracted to tall guys."
"I don't like short guys."
"I'm not attracted to short guys."


"I like a guy with a cute face."
"I want a guy that works out."

Commenting about guys

"He is so cute."

A lot of girls use the word cute. It doesn't necessarily mean cute like a baby, but cute means good looking in this context.

"He is very handsome."
"He is good looking."
"He's so handsome."
"He is tall with dark hair and brown eyes."

Talking About Guys - In Public

In a club or public place

"Did you see the guy who just walked by? He was so cute."
"I think the guy sitting at the bar is checking you out."
"I'm going to stand next to the guy at the pool table. I hope he notices me."
"What should I do to get his attention?"
"Should I ask him to dance?"
"You should ask that guy to dance."
"Why don't you just start dancing next to him?"

Other things

"He is so nice to me."
"He takes care of me so well."
"He has good manners."
"He is so smart."
"He's so sensitive."
"He is so sweet."

"Bob is so romantic. He writes poems to his girlfriend all the time."
"Mike is very spontaneous. I think he would be a great boyfriend if you want to have fun."

Talking About Guys - Descriptions

Talking about your friends' boyfriend

"She told me he was a good kisser."
"Joanne is a dating a doctor from Harvard."
"Suzy's boyfriend is so rich. He takes her to so many trips."
"Jessica's boyfriend is in MBA at Wharton right now."

"Her boyfriend is a jerk. He treats her like crap. I don't know why she doesn't break up with him."
"I don't think he is that smart. He failed to get into college and he is doing manual labor right now."
"I heard he hit her before. Someone should warn her before it's too late."
"He's so cheap. He never pays for anything."
"I think he is just using Martha because she has a lot of money. Why else would he date her?"

Describing a guy you are dating

"I met this guy and we started dating. He is so cute and he brought me flowers while I was at work. He is so romantic."
"I'm seeing this guy name John now. He buys me a lot of stuff. I think I'm blinded by all the things he is buying me, but it's so fun."
"We started dating after an 8 hour phone call. We just talked and talked and it was so great. We connected at a deep level and I think I really like him."
"My boyfriend is in med school right now. He is going to specialize in surgery."
"I'm dating a guy from work. I always had a crush on him because he was so nice."
"On valentines day, my boyfriend prepared a picnic and we had lunch by the river. He prepared all the food and even had music. It was a great day."
"For my birthday, my boyfriend took me out to a nice restaurant. Afterwards, he took me out on a lake in a little boat. It was very romantic."

Talking about Guys - Interactive Practice

Click on Listen All and follow along. After becoming comfortable with the entire conversation, become Person A by clicking on the Person A button. You will hear only Person B through the audio file. There will be a silence for you to repeat the sentences of Person A. Do the same for Person B. The speed of the conversation is native speed. Use the pause button if the pause between each sentence is too fast for you. After practicing several times, you will be able to speak as fast as a native.


Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B

A: "Hey Cindy. I heard you are seeing someone."
B: "Yeah. His name is John. I started dating him a week ago."
A: "That's so exciting. Tell me all about him. Is he good looking?"
B: "I think he's cute, but not drop dead gorgeous."
A: "How did you meet him?"
B: "I go to this coffee shop a lot and this guy is always there. We started talking a couple of times, and he finally asked me out."
A: "That's so cool. What does he do for a living?"
B: "He works in the finance department in a manufacturing company."
A: "Do you know if he makes a lot of money?"
B: "I don't know for sure, but he drives a nice car and I heard he has a house."
A: "How is his personality?"
B: "He's very smart and a great person to talk to. In the beginning, we talked for about 30 minutes a day in the coffee shop before he asked me out. Besides that, he's very sweet and romantic."
A: "How old is he?"
B: "That's the problem. He is 2 years younger than me. What do you think about that?"
A: "What's the big deal? I don't see anything wrong with that. If you were 23, then I might be worried he was immature, but you're almost 30 now. 2 years is no big deal."
B: "Yeah. That's what I think."
A: "When do I get to meet him?"
B: "How about a double date. The four of us can go out to dinner and a drink or something."
A: "That sounds great. How about next Saturday?"
B: "I think Saturday will be good. Let's double check with the guys and get back to each other."
A: "Great. I'll call you later then."
B: "Ok. Talk to you later."


Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B

A: "Jane. Did you see that guy standing by the dance floor?"
B: "Yeah. He's kinda cute."
A: "Wait. Isn't that Beth's boyfriend?"
B: "I'm not sure. I haven't met him before."
A: "Look. He's dancing with another girl."
B: "Are you sure that's him?"
A: "No. It just looks like him."
B: "I heard he was a nice guy. He wouldn't be cheating on Beth."
A: "Yeah. You're right. How do you know about him if you never met him?"
B: "I hear all this stuff from Beth. She is always going off on how nice and sweet he is."
A: "I heard the same thing. What type of guy are you looking for?"
B: "Someone who is understanding, responsible, sensitive, smart, and with a lot of money."
A: "Don't we all. Get real. All those guys are probably already taken."
B: "It doesn't hurt to have expectations. What type of guy do you want to find?"
A: "All I want is someone who is going to treat me well."
B: "You know Alex don't you? He likes you. I bet he'll take good care of you."
A: "He's a dork. At least someone who is not an idiot ok?"
B: "Got it."

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