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Honeymoon is a small vacation two married people go to right after the wedding. It doesn't have to be right after the wedding though. I know some people who hold off the honeymoon until the summer, or if they are in school, until school is complete.

Discussing with your partner where to go for the honeymoon

"Where should we go for our honeymoon?"
"Where do you want to go for our honeymoon?"
"Did you have a place in mind for our honeymoon?"

"How many days should we go for our honeymoon?"
"Do you think a week is good enough for our honeymoon?"
"How much should we plan on using for our honeymoon?"


"I want to go somewhere to relax."
"I was thinking about Hawaii or the Bahamas. What do you think?"
"I wouldn't mind going to Europe."
"What do you think about New York? I have never been there and there is a lot to do."
"I think Australia would be great."
"I'm pretty much open to anything. Where did you have in mind?"

"I can only take 5 more days off from work."
"I can only go for a week."
"The longer the better. I wouldn't mind going for 10 days."
"How about 2 weeks."
"Let's go for 6 nights and 7 days."
"How about 3 nights and 4 days."

"I think we will need about two thousand dollars for our honeymoon."
"Depending on what we are going to do, but we will need a minimum of three thousand dollars."
"I think we need about five thousand dollars for our honeymoon."
"We only have two thousand dollars so we have to go somewhere inexpensive."

Honeymoon - Planning

Planning on what to do

"Let's plan on what we are going to do when we get there."
"What should we do everyday?"
"We should make a daily plan so we have things to do everyday."

"Why don't you make a list of things you want to do and I'll do the same. We'll try to do all of them while we are there."
"I'm pretty much open to anything, but I want to at least go jet skiing, scuba diving, and golfing."
"I don't care if we do anything. I just want to relax and have good dinners with you."
"Let's just lock ourselves in the room for 5 days."

"I want to go to some of the local restaurants."
"I want to try horseback riding while we are there. I wouldn't mind taking a couple of surfing lessons also."

"I want to take a lot of pictures while we are there. So don't forget to bring the camera."

To learn about booking a flight and making hotel reservations, please refer to the traveler's guide. I cover everything you need to know about getting airline tickets and hotel rooms.

Honeymoon - Conversation before Honeymoon

These sentences are used when talking to a friend before the honeymoon

"So where are you going for your honeymoon?"
"How long is your honeymoon going to be?"
"What are you guys going to do there?"
"When are you leaving for your honeymoon?"
"How are you guys going to the airport?"
"Do you have everything planned out already?"


"We decided to go to Hawaii."
"We're going to the Greek Islands."
"We are going to be there for a week."
"We're going for 10 days."
"Mostly to relax. The wedding took a lot out of me so I just want to vege out."

'Vege out' means to be a vegetable. That means not using the head at all. When you say this, you are saying you don't want to do anything except relax. Another common way to use this is to say, "I'm vege-ing out in front of the TV." That means you are watching TV not thinking about anything.

"We're going the day after the wedding."
"We're leaving right after the wedding."
"We're going to the airport after the reception."
"We're not going on our honeymoon until August. My husband needs to finish a project before taking an extended time off."
"We're going to go in September because I need to finish summer school first."
"My parents are going to take us to the airport."
"John agreed to drive us to the airport."

"I think we have everything planned out. I'm not missing anything am I?"
"We didn't do much planning. I just got the plane tickets and booked a room at the hotel. Besides that, we are just going to wing it."

'Wing it' means to play it by ear. Or in other words, do things without planning or do things as they come along.

Honeymoon - Conversation after Honeymoon

Talking to a friend after the honeymoon

"Did you have a good time on your honeymoon?"
"How was your honeymoon? Tell me all about it."
"How was Hawaii? Do you think I should go there for my honeymoon?"
"Did you have enough time to do everything you wanted?"
"What was the best thing about your honeymoon?"

"What terrible timing. I got my period right when we arrived. I had a stomach ache for the first two days."
"Oh man. My wife was sick for the first couple of days. We just stayed in the room watching TV."
"My honeymoon was great. I had such a good time. The weather was perfect and there was so much to do."
"It was perfect. I went swimming, fishing, played some beach volleyball, and we went hiking."
"Hawaii was an awesome place for a honeymoon. We went to 3 different islands and they were all great."
"I would recommend Hawaii as a honeymoon spot to anyone."
"We only went for 4 days so we couldn't do everything we wanted. We agreed to go back after a couple of years. Kind of like a second honeymoon."
"The best night I had was walking down the beach without anyone around. The sun was just setting and it was a beautiful romantic moment."

Honeymoon - Interactive Practice

Click on Listen All and follow along. After becoming comfortable with the entire conversation, become Person A by clicking on the Person A button. You will hear only Person B through the audio file. There will be a silence for you to repeat the sentences of Person A. Do the same for Person B. The speed of the conversation is native speed. Use the pause button if the pause between each sentence is too fast for you. After practicing several times, you will be able to speak as fast as a native.


Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B

A: "Hey honey, where do you think we should go for our honeymoon?"
B: "I always wanted to go to Mexico. Cancun is supposed to be a great place."
A: "That sounds pretty good. But how about the Caribbean?"
B: "That doesn't sound too bad either. Do you know how much it would cost for airfare and hotel?"
A: "If we go for 5 nights, then the total for airfare and hotel would be about one thousand seven hundred dollars. How much would it be to go to Cancun?"
B: "I found a deal for only twelve hundred dollars."
A: "That's a lot cheaper. Let's go to Cancun then."
B: "Really? That sounds great. I picked up a lot of brochures. Let's take a look at all the things we can do."
A: "That reminds me. I better make sure my passport is not expired."
B: "You better make sure. If it's expired, you have to hurry and renew it."
A: "We still have a couple of months. No rush."
B: "What do you want to do in Cancun?"
A: "I want to golf at least one day. And I also want to try surfing. Do they have instructors on the beach?"
B: "Yeah. This brochure shows lesson and equipment rentals and everything. That shouldn't be a problem. I want to try snorkeling."
A: "Do we need to buy snorkeling gear?"
B: "No. We can just rent it there."
A: "Sounds like we're going to have fun."
B: "I know. I can't wait. It's going to be so fun."


Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B

A: "Where are you guys going for your honeymoon?"
B: "We decided on Cancun, Mexico."
A: "I've been there before. It's a great place."
B: "What did you do there?"
A: "There is so much to do. It's a big tourist place so there is access to everything."
B: "That's good. I'm looking forward to our honeymoon. Especially after all the wedding plans I had to do."
A: "How long are you going for?"
B: "We decided on 6 days. We are leaving on Sunday and returning on Saturday."
A: "That should give you plenty of time. Do you have all your travel plans in order?"
B: "We just booked our flight and got our room. Everything is set."
A: "You're going to have so much fun. I'm so jealous."
B: "When you get married, you'll have your chance."
A: "I need to find a guy first."
B: "Where do you want to go for your honeymoon?"
A: "Since I've been to Mexico and Hawaii before, I want to go to Australia."
B: "That sounds great. It's a little out of our budget so we didn't even consider Australia."
A: "For the price, Cancun is one of the best so don't have any regrets. It is a great place. So do you have a ride to the airport?"
B: "My brother is going to drop us off."
A: "Looks like everything is set. Just make sure to take a camera. I know many people who forgot to take a camera on their honeymoon."
B: "Will do. Thanks."

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