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What are the chances of + (verb-ing)

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By asking 'what are the chances of' you are wondering how often or in what case would a particular thing happen.

Here are some examples:

"What are the chances of getting tickets?"
"What are the chances of that happening?"
"What are the chances of it raining today?"
"What are the chances of winning the lottery?"

When replacing the word 'the' with 'your' or 'our' you can ask what the chances 'personally' that the topic will happen.

Here are some examples:

"What are the chances of you staying home today?"
"What are your chances of getting the job?"
"What are your chances of improving?"
"What are your chances of moving?"
"What are our chances of staying together?"
"What are our chances of working together?"
"What are our chances of going together?"
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