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Fender bender

Meaning/Usage: A small car accident

Explanation: "Fender" is the car body part that is right above the tire. "Bender" is derived from bend. Since the fender is a small part compared to the hood and door, and bend is not as bad as break or crack, combining these two indicates that the accident is very small. Like a small dent or scratch.

"I got into a small accident. It was just a fender bender."
"I got into a fender bender in the parking lot."
"I can’t believe the damage is going to cost me 800 bucks. It was just a fender bender."

A: "I got into a car accident."
B: "That sucks. You didn’t get hurt did you?"
A: "No. It was just a fender bender."

Other Common Sentences

"It was a small accident."
"I rear ended him, but luckily there was no damage."
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