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Rain or Shine

Meaning/Usage: Not allowing the weather to prevent you from doing something.

Explanation: For outdoor activities, rain can stop someone from doing something. This phrase is used to express determination of doing something no matter what external forces try to stop them.

"We're going camping this weekend rain or shine."
"Rain or shine, the protesters are out there every day."
"I don't care about the weather. I'm going golfing rain or shine."

A: "I'm going hiking this Saturday. Do you want to come?"
B: "That sounds good. Rain or shine, count me in."
A: "If it's raining, looks like you're going by yourself, because I'm staying home."

Other Common Sentences

"I'm going to go even if it's a downpour."
"Are you still going to go even if it's raining cats and dogs?"
"Unless it's pouring out, let's meet at seven in the morning."
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