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Has Been Burned

Meaning/Usage: To get screwed; to get a bad deal; to be tricked

Explanation: When you are burned, it hurts. When you are screwed, get a bad deal, or get cheated, that hurts too. So it became common to use "burned" in this manner.

"I don't know why he keeps calling her. He's been burned by her numerous times."
"I have been burned by making bad decisions before."
"I got burned on that used car we bought."

A. "So did you end up going on a date with her?"
B. "Man, I got burned! She ended up going out with someone else instead."
A. "That's too bad. Don't let it bother you."
B. "I won't, I didn't like her anyways."

Other Common Sentences

"I've been swindled."
"I got a bad deal."
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