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Car Availability

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When you travel, it is common to rent a car. You will either call and make a reservation, or you will rent one by walking up to the counter. We will cover both scenarios here.

At the Counter

If you are at the airport, you can ask an airport employee, "where is the rental car booth?" or "where can I rent a car?"

After you arrive at the place, you will ask if you any cars are available. Here is a common script.

"Hi. I would like to rent a car."
"Do you have any cars available?"

They might ask, "Did you make a reservation?" In this scenario, you didn't so you can answer, 'no.' If they don't have any cars available, they will say, "I'm sorry, we do not have any cars available today." If that is the case, then go to the next counter. Most airports have numerous car rental booths so you can keep asking until you find a company that has a car available. If you are going during peak vacation periods, it might be good to call and reserve one. But let's continue with this scenario.

If they have a car available, they will ask what type of car or what size.

"What size car would you like?"
"What type of car would you like?"
"What type of car do you need?"

"What sizes do you have?"
"What are my options?"

"We have compact, midsize, full size, luxury, SUV, and a minivan."

"How much is the full size car?"
"How much is the midsize car?"

"How many does the full size car seat?"
"How many can fit in the midsize car?"

"I'll take a midsize car."

Duration and General Questions

In order to verify if they can give you the car you requested, they need to know how long you will need the car for.

"How long will you be needing the car?"
"How long will you be renting the car?"
"When do you need the car till?"

"I'll need the car for two weeks."
"I want to rent it for one week."
"I need it for 4 days."
"I need it for just a day."

They might ask you to fill out a form, or they might ask you many questions.

"What is your last name?"
"What is your first name?"
"Are you a United States resident?"
"What country are you from?"
"What is your address?"

Insurance and Driver License

Before giving you a price, they will then ask if you would like insurance or if you have insurance. The price varies. Last time I checked it was approximately $15 a day for insurance.

"Would you like insurance on the car?"

"How much is insurance?"

They will also ask who is going to be the driver.

"Who is going to be the driver?"
"How many people are going to drive?"
"Are all the drivers at least 25 years old?"

You will have to provide a driver's license. If you are from a different country then you should at least have an international driver's license prepared from your country.

"Can I see your driver's license?"
"May I have your driver's license?"
"I will need to see your driver's license."

Price and Rules

Finally, they will tell you the price and you will have to pay with a credit card.

"The total will be $184.19."

At this time, you can give them your credit card.

After you pay, they will tell you some rules.

"The gas tank is full. You should fill it up before you return the car. If you do not, then we charge $3 a gallon."

"You can pick up your car downstairs. Just show them the invoice and they will have your car ready for you."

"You will need to return it by 4pm on the 16th. We charge an additional $8 for every four hours that you are late. Return it to the same place you picked up the car."

"Please keep this form in the car. Bring it with you when you return the vehicle."

The price of $8 is just an example. Make sure you find out if you are not sure you will be late or not.

"How much do you charge if I am an hour late?"

After this process, you should have your car and you are ready to drive away.

Making a Reservation

You will be calling the company you are renting from. When you call, you should verify if the rental car company has a location at the airport you are flying into.

"I need one at Los Angeles Airport."
"I am flying into Los Angeles Airport."

If they have one, they will say they do and start asking you similar questions we already covered. We will not repeat them here, but I will have a practice session giving an example dialog on making a reservation below.

They might ask you for a credit card number on the phone. If you don't call and cancel, you might be charged. So if you need to cancel, remember to call and cancel at least 24 hours before the date. I am not sure if it is 24 hours. You should ask and verify.

"If I need to cancel, when should I do that by?"

"As soon as possible, but in order to avoid a charge you should call 24 hours before the date."

When you arrive at the counter, you will tell the person that you have a reservation.

"Hi, I have a reservation under last name Lee."
"Hi, I have a reservation for a midsize car."

After that, they will confirm your information. They might ask you some duplicate questions, but we should have covered most of it already.

Car Rental - Interactive Practice

Click on Listen All and follow along. After becoming comfortable with the entire conversation, become Person A by clicking on the Person A button. You will hear only Person B through the audio file. There will be a silence for you to repeat the sentences of Person A. Do the same for Person B. The speed of the conversation is native speed. Use the pause button if the pause between each sentence is too fast for you. After practicing several times, you will be able to speak as fast as a native.


Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B

A: "Hello, ABC Car Rental. How can I help you?"
B: "Hi, I wanted to make a reservation."
A: "What location would you like to rent from?"
B: "I am flying into Los Angeles Airport. Do you have a booth there?"
A: "Yes we do. What date are you flying in?"
B: "I am arriving on June 22nd."
A: "What time is your arrival time?"
B: "I am scheduled to arrive at 2 pm."
A: "How long would you like to rent the vehicle?"
B: "I will need it for 10 days."
A: "What size car would you like?"
B: "A midsize car please."
A: "Can I get your name?"
B: "Yes. My name is Sang Min Lee."
A: "Can you spell that?"
B: "Last name is L E E. First name is S A N G. Middle initial is M."
A: "Great. Thank you. I have reserved a midsize car for you for June 22nd until July 1st. Is there anything else I can help you with?"
B: "That will be all."
A: "Thank you for calling."
B: "Thank you. Bye."


Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B

A: "How can I help you today?"
B: "I would like to rent a car."
A: "Do you have a reservation?"
B: "No."
A: "That's alright. Let's see what we can find. We have several cars to choose from. What size are you looking for?"
B: "What are my options?"
A: "A compact car, midsize car, and a minivan."
B: "How much are they?"
A: "Compact is $2.1.95 a day, midsize is $27.95 a day, and a minivan is 35.95 a day."
B: "I'll take a midsize car."
A: "How long will you be renting the car?"
B: "One week."
A: "How many people will be driving the car?"
B: "Just myself."
A: "Would you like insurance?"
B: "How much is it?"
A: "It is $14.95 a day and it covers everything regardless of fault."
B: "Yes please."
A: "Can I have your name?"
B: "Last name is Lee. L E E. First name is Sang. S A N G."
A: "You address please?"
B: "I am from Korea. Would you like my address in Korea?"
A: "Just the city name."
B: "Seoul, Korea."
A: "Can I see your driver's license and a credit card?"
B: "Sure. Here it is."
A: "Great. That will be $324.92. Would you like me to charge it on this card?"
B: "Yes. That will be fine."
A: "Please sign here. You can pick up your car downstairs. Your expected time to return the car is June 29th. That is exactly one week. Show the attendant this invoice. When you return the car, bring this invoice with you. Also, the gas tank is full, you should fill up the gas tank before you return. If you don't want to, we can do it for $3 a gallon. Is there anything else I can do for you?"
B: "That will be all. Thank you."
A: "Thank you. Good bye."

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