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Interview English Lessons - 05 Work Interview 2

There are over a hundred questions and several hundred answers to study. Each Interview question is listed below each subcategory. Within each lesson, you will find the question and several different ways of answering, along with an explanation.

Use the audio files to listen to a native English speaker and improve your interview skills while improving your English speaking.

01 Basic Interview 1
02 Basic Interview 2
03 School Related Interview
04 Work Interview 1
05 Work Interview 2
06 Work Interview 3
07 Working With People
08 Misc Interview

If you have problems or complaints with your current job, why haven't you brought it to their attention?
Give me a specific example at your last position where...
What do you feel an employer owes an employee?
What do you expect from your manager?
Would you like to have your boss's job?
What did you hear about us?
What do you know about our product?
Have you managed people in any of the positions you've held?
What types of people do you have trouble getting along with?
Who do you think are our two major competitors?
Why do you like sales?
Do you see that stapler? Convince me to buy it.
How long have you been looking for a job?
Why haven't you received any offers so far?
If you don't understand your assignment and you can't reach your boss, what would you do?

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